SAN DIEGO (KGTV) - A mother of three is hoping someone will recognize the thief who raided her garage while her family slept, targeting her boys' bike and skateboard.
Erica Moslander says she woke up Wednesday morning and tried to get into her garage, but found it blocked by a chair. When she finally got in, she discovered her garage door open, and items missing throughout the garage. Among the items: her 10-year-old son's bicycle and the skateboard her oldest son, 12, had recently built himself.
Moslander believes she accidentally left the car parked in the driveway unlocked, which allowed the thief to push the programmed garage door button and then get in.
Surveillance video from the outside of the Fontaine Street home shows a man methodically going in and out of the garage carrying his haul for about 30 minutes.