

Warrant details sex assault by Uber driver

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Team 10 is learning new information about the driver arrested on suspicion of raping his passenger.

John Sanchez, 52, appeared in an El Cajon courtroom Thursday morning to face charges. Investigators allege Sanchez sexually assaulted his passenger in late February.

Police conducted a month-long investigation and arrested Sanchez last week on a felony count of raping a drugged person.

RELATED: Uber driver arrested, accused of sexually assaulting female passenger

According to the search warrant, the victim was on a date in North Park. After the date, the woman's companion called an Uber because she had been drinking.

She was alone in the Uber with the driver, who detectives later identified as Sanchez.

The search warrant states the woman became ill in the Uber. When the driver pulled over, he got in the back seat with her and "placed his hand on [the woman's] mid and upper thigh."

She said she just wanted to go home. The search warrant states the driver "grabbed her [and] lifted her dress." She tried to push him away, but she was unable to.

An Uber spokesperson said Sanchez passed the background checks and did not have a criminal record.

He did not want to comment after his court appearance.