

Team 10: Audit shows city of San Diego not doing enough to fix street lights


SAN DIEGO - A scathing audit of the city of San Diego's street light repairs finds the service does not operate efficiently.

According to the review, the Street Division did not meet its one performance goal of repairing street lights in an average of 12 days during the past two fiscal years.

The audit found "the actual repair time calculated by the street division for FY 2015 was 17 days, and the actual repair time for FY 16 was 16 days as reported in the city's adopted budget."

The audit also noted the Street Division does not have any inventory records for street light replacement parts or material, and the city has not developed a comprehensive plan addressing street light infrastructure challenges and department responsibilities.

A city of San Diego spokesperson told Team 10, "The city of San Diego continuously seeks opportunities for improvement of its operations to ensure the needs to San Diegans are being met both effectively and efficiently. Performance audits performed by the independent auditor often provide insight on operational improvements, as is the case with the street light repair. Management has agreed with all of the recommendations in the report, and the city is confident that the actions will result in better delivery of street light repairs."

To read the full report, click here.