

Take advantage of SDG&E rebates, programs to save during heat spells


SAN DIEGO (KGTV) - With San Diego's first heat wave of the season approaching, homeowners are likely planning to fire up the air condition to get them through the weekend.

But that can come with some added costs to utility bills.

SDG&E offers homeowners the option to save some green while being green-friendly when it comes to operating AC units.

One method is an AC Saver. SDG&E installs the device to regulate when an AC unit turns on between April and October. On certain summer days when electricity is at its peak, SDG&E will activate the AC Saver device to cycle central air conditioner units on and off for a period of two to four hours.

Users can choose between 50 percent or 100 percent cycling options. The first reduces the unit's run-time by 50 percent of the previous hour while the second completely turns off the unit up to 4 hours.

The 50 percent option nets consumers up to a $41.40 bill credit while the 100 percent option gets consumers a $108 annual credit.

These "on/off" events can total up to 80 total hours from April to October.

For more information, visit SDG&E's website.

Smaller rebates on updating thermostats, and heater systems are also available through SDG&E.