

Poll: Many San Diegans believe Trump abused power in Comey firing, was reckless with sharing info

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The majority of San Diegans believe President Donald Trump abused his power and was reckless in sharing information with Russian officials, according to a 10News/San Diego Union-Tribune poll conducted by SurveyUSA.

In the poll, San Diego adults were asked eight questions related to recent events surrounding the president and his administration.

The full results of the poll:

As you may know, President Trump fired FBI Director James Comey. Did President Trump fire Comey because ... Comey was not doing a good job? Comey was spending too much time on Trump's Relationship with Russia? Comey mishandled the Hillary Clinton email investigation? Or another reason?

Based on what you know so far, when President Trump removed FBI Director Comey, was this an obstruction of justice?

Based on what you know so far, is President Trump guilty of abuse of power?

In sharing classified information this week with Russian diplomats, did President Trump act wisely? Or recklessly?

Is talk of impeaching President Trump ... premature? Timely? or Overdue?

Do you have confidence? ... Or no confidence ...? That Democrats in Congress will put country before party?

Do you have confidence? ... Or no confidence ...? That Republicans in Congress will put country before party?

Based on what you know so far, has President Trump committed a high crime or misdemeanor while serving as President?