(KGTV) - President Donald Trump has issued a compromise for solving the debate over a path to citizenship for Dreamers and undocumented immigrants:
Provide $25 billion needed for the long-promised border wall and security measures and a path to citizenship will be made.
The White House announced the plan Thursday, calling it a "dramatic concession." Trump would accept a path to citizenship for not just those originally eligible for DACA but for a broader population, adding up to 1.8 million people, CNN reported.
RELATED: Issa believes his 'DACA' plan can fix program under existing rules
In return for a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, the White House wants $25 billion in investment for border infrastructure and technology, as well as more funds for personnel. The plan also calls for an end to family migration beyond spouses and minor children.
The diversity visa lottery would also be abolished.
RELATED: DACA supporters say Democrats are using them as pawns
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