

DC Daily: Trump slams Russia probe ahead of G-7 summit

DC Daily: Trump slams Russia probe ahead of G-7 summit
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Here's what's making headlines in the political world on June 7, 2018:

Trump continues to rip Russia investigation
-- President Trump took to Twitter Thursday morning to continue to bash the special counsel’s ongoing Russia investigation, which he refers to as a “witch hunt.”

Trump tweeted:

"Isn’t it Ironic? Getting ready to go to the G-7 in Canada to fight for our country on Trade (we have the worst trade deals ever made), then off to Singapore to meet with North Korea & the Nuclear Problem...But back home we still have the 13 Angry Democrats pushing the Witch Hunt!"

"Alan Dershowitz, Harvard Law Professor: 'It all proves that we never needed a Special Counsel....All of this could have been done by the Justice Dept. Don’t need a multi-million dollar group of people with a target on someone’s back. Not the way Justice should operate.' So true!"

"When and where will all of the many conflicts of interest be listed by the 13 Angry Democrats (plus) working on the Witch Hunt Hoax. There has never been a group of people on a case so biased or conflicted. It is all a Democrat Excuse for LOSING the Election. Where is the server?"

Trump's other morning tweets
-- The president also commented on other topics on his timeline:

Stormy Daniels' lawyer calls Rudy Giuliani an 'absolute pig' over comments
-- Rudy Giuliani and Michael Avenatti may be thousands of miles apart, but they are on each other's minds. Well, sorta.

Avenatti slammed Giuliani on Wednesday night over comments he made about his client, Stormy Daniels, that questioned her credibility because she made adult films.

"The business you were in entitles you to no degree of giving your credibility any weight," Giuliani said of Daniels, whose legal name is Stephanie Clifford.

"Explain to me how she could be damaged. I mean, she has no reputation. If you're going to sell your body for money, you just don't have a reputation. I may be old fashioned, I dunno."

Giuliani made the remarks earlier Wednesday from Israel, where he attended a conference in Tel Aviv.

In the comments, he said he respects porn stars, but not "the way I respect a career woman or a woman of substance or a woman who ... isn't going to sell her body for sexual exploitation."

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Justice Dept. internal report expected to fault former FBI, DOJ officials
-- The highly anticipated report from the Justice Department's inspector general is expected to yield an unvarnished account of multiple missteps by former top officials at the department and FBI for their failure to follow long-standing protocols in the handling of the Hillary Clinton email probe, according to sources familiar with the matter.

While sources caution the report is not yet final, and responses from individuals named in the report will be included, the exhaustive review of a momentous period in the department's history is expected to criticize former FBI Director James Comey's handling of the investigation at key junctures for violating departmental norms. Of particular focus are the events leading up to his decision to announce in July 2016, without Justice Department approval, that "no reasonable prosecutor" would recommend charges against Clinton, as well as the decision to tell lawmakers days before the November 2016 election that FBI agents had recovered additional emails possibly relevant to the investigation.

CNN reported that at the time that Comey was advised by the Justice Department that his letter to Congress would run counter to department policy to not comment publicly on investigations close to an election, but he sent it anyway.

Inspector General Michael Horowitz is expected to recommend the department devise further written guidelines that would have addressed some of the actions taken by Comey.

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Sanders says she doesn't regret answering question on Trump Tower meeting response
-- White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said she doesn't regret answering a question last summer about President Trump's role in dictating the response to news of the 2016 Trump Tower meeting.

Sanders said last August that Trump "certainly didn't dictate" the initial statement released by Donald Trump Jr. about his meeting with a Russian lawyer at Trump Tower during the 2016 campaign. However, that denial contradicted what Trump's personal attorneys said in a letter in January, which was obtained by The New York Times, telling special counsel Robert Mueller that Trump had "dictated a short but accurate response to The New York Times article on behalf of his son, Donald Trump, Jr."

When asked by CNN's Chris Cuomo on Wednesday night if she regretted answering the question, Sanders said: "No, I don't."

Sanders continuously directed questions about the letter by Trump's attorneys to the President's outside counsel.

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CNN contributed to this report