SAN DIEGO (KGTV) - Some quarantined cruise ship passengers at MCAS Miramar are voicing concerns after two days inside.
Steven and Michele Smith were on board the Grand Princess cruise ship, which docked in Oakland Monday after more than 20 passengers tested positive for coronavirus. They were flown to San Diego Wednesday. Nearly 500 passengers are now being quarantined at the base.
The Smiths are symptom free but frustrated. They've been in the same clothes since Monday. Their luggage is missing, after a possible mix-up with the baggage of passengers sent to other bases. The Smiths sent 10news photos of a laundry room they're not allowed to use and a lobby full of unclaimed luggage.
"Ours had a blue tie on it and none of those in the lobby have a blue tie. Somewhere the deck got shuffled and our luggage went wherever," said Steven Smith.
They Smiths believe lack of resources and organization are also causing issues. They haven't been tested for coronavirus and have yet to receive a temperature check.
"Our friends being quarantined at the others bases are getting two temperature checks a day ... It feels like maybe there could be some concern ... they're not keeping up with our health," said Michele Smith.
10news reached out to the base and officials at the Department of Health and Human Services about the Smiths' concerns and are waiting to hear back.