

With beach activities set to resume next month, some San Diegans caught ignoring public health order

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SAN DIEGO COUNTY (KGTV)-- County supervisors announced that we are just days away until San Diegans can finally relax on the beach.

But some are jumping the gun.

It was the announcement San Diegans were waiting for.

"On Tuesday, June 2, passive activities will be allowed on beaches, so long as groups stay within their household units, social distance from other non-family members, and facial coverings," San Diego County Supervisor, Greg Cox announced on Thursday.

Supervisors said sitting on the sand, towels, and chairs will be allowed. But sports such as football and volleyball will continue to be prohibited. Parking lots and piers will also remain closed.

However, many people seemed to forget about the start date: Tuesday, June 2.

On the evening of the County announcement, a 10News viewer witnessed a graduation party in Oceanside. The photos showed a mass gathering with many people sitting on the sand, with almost no one practicing social distancing or wearing masks.

"I'm sure everybody is anxious to get out with their family, sit on the beach and enjoy the nice weather," Solana Beach visitor, Labib Samarrai said.

But on Saturday, most people seemed to be following the rules at Solana Beach.

"I think everybody is now maybe over-educated, but it's all good," Samarrai said.

Lifeguards at Solana Beach and Pacific Beach say they are still focused on educating the public, instead of actively ticketing visitors who disregard the County Public Health order.

"They're only telling people that are not where they want them," Pacific Beach surfer Jake Curran said.

For Curran, the passive activity phase does not make much of a difference in his usual routine. But for his girlfriend, June 2 can't come soon enough.

"She has been visiting for the past month, trying to find activities for her and I to do while she is in town," Curran said. "But it will be nice on Tuesday for her to come out, come lay out, take some pictures, and watch the sunset and whatnot."

While the County allowed passive activities to begin on June 2, they say it is ultimately up to each jurisdiction if they want to adopt the new phase on that day.