(KGTV) — Say hello to our Pet of the Week: Radicchio!
Radicchio is a sweet and lively 6-year-old bunny with a real zest for life. He's one of the gentlest bunnies around, full of curiosity and charm! Plus, he's always eager for feeding time and excitedly greets us every morning for breakfast. He originally joined the San Diego House Rabbit Society in 2018, but he was recently brought back in August 2024 when his owners had to move out of state and did not have room to bring him along. Now, he's looking for a forever home where he can share all his love!

You can adopt me at:
San Diego House Rabbit Society
4807 Mercury Street, Suite A, San Diego, CA 92111
(858) 565-2869
Learn more: https://sandiegorabbits.org/
Adoption by appointment only: https://sandiegorabbits.org/adoption-process