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Spring Valley couple says you are never too old for Pickleball

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SAN DIEGO (KGTV) -- Earl Schalin and his wife Beverly turned to pickleball when the injuries playing tennis began to stack up.

"Beverly had rotator cuff surgery and my back went kaput and so pickleball was the answer."

Earl is 93-years-old and Beverly is 87. The couple, who at one time were avid tennis players, began playing the sport about twelve years ago.

"We picked it up very quickly, and loved it," says Beverly. "We have been playing ever since."

As for Earl, he admits it took a while to get a hang of the paddle sport.

"The first time we went out, I missed the ball like 15 times. Somebody kept count and kept saying you have to watch the ball, it's not like tennis."

Of course Earl figured it all out, and together the two became quite good. In fact they have won a number of championships.

"For several years we played the nationals and we won the mixed double championship, Beverly won the doubles, I won the doubles and I also won the singles."

Now even though their tournament days are a little behind them, you can still find the couple on the court three days a week. They are now involved in teaching their favorite game to the residents at Covenant Living at Mount Miguel, a retirement community.

"It's so much fun and encouraging to see the improvement in people as you work with them."

The Covenant Living at Mount Miguel pickleball court has become the popular place to be on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. The Schalin's say they've had as many as 20 residents at one time come out to learn the game.

"i'm 93 and if I can do it anyone can do it. We were probably in our late seventies when we picked it up and it's just a lot of fun."