

Trump's proposed budget could slash San Diego job training programs


SAN DIEGO (KGTV)--President Donald Trump's proposed budget may boost San Diego's defense economy, but it could also keep some local workers from getting much-needed raises.

That's because the president proposes billions of dollars in spending cuts to most government agencies, including a 21 percent decrease to the Department of Labor.

Trump's budget requests $9.6 billion for the Department of Labor, a $2.5 billion decrease from 2017.

Within the budget outline, there are plans to:

•    Close some Job Corps centers

•    Reduce funding for "ineffective, duplicative" job training grants 

•    Decrease federal support for job training and employment service formula grants, shifting responsibilities to states, localities and employers 

The federal government through the Department of Labor sends money to California, where it's distributed to organizations like the San Diego Workforce Partnership, which, in turn, is sent to programs that help train workers.

Local companies like Quality Controlled Manufacturing Inc. then use some of that money to teach workers skills in demand, while paying them at the same time. 

The San Diego Workforce Partnership received $30 million this fiscal year from the Department of Labor.

Peter Callstrom, the Workforce Partnership's CEO, said it's too early to know how much would be cut, but added that key local support would help supplement any losses.

"I'm concerned because the value of our work is proven," he said. "We get people to work, we retain so people can get into ebtter careers, and if we don't invest in our workforce, then what are we doing?"

Elizabeth Phillippi lost her job as a server in September and has had no luck since then applying online.

"When they post a posting, 50 people apply within a minute, so it's kind of hard to get a job when everybody is applying for the same job," she said. 

The president's proposal says the cuts are needed to help rebuild the military