

Things to help parents keep kids safe at prom


It's that time of the school year: Prom season is underway for many high schools across San Diego County.

Big decisions need to be made to make prom night a memorable one, such as choosing the right outfit/dress and having a great date.

While prom and all the preparations can be nerve-racking for teens, it can be an especially stressful time for parents who worry about the safety of their children.

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Here are some things parents can use to help keep their kids safe before they head out, during prom and as they head home:

Get a personal breathalyzer:
-- Parents who think their teen will somehow drink and then drive can get him/her a device that will help determine if they've consumed more than the legal limit in alcohol.

Personal breathalyzers available on Amazon:

Get home alcohol and drug testing kits:
-- Promgoers can get tested before and after the event for alcohol consumption or drug use.

Alcohol test kit:

Drug test kit:

Find My Friends app for iPhone:
-- Parents of teens with iPhones can keep tabs on their whereabouts with this app.

More information on the app:

ATM card:
-- Many kids under 18 don't have an ATM card for cash access or to use as a credit card in case of emergencies. This could be helpful in the event a promgoer is in need of cash to pay for a ride home.

Also: San Diego Magazine's Prom Night Safety Tips for Parents: