A South Bay college student targeted by thieves is worried he won't be able to pass his finals now.
James Cotter is a student at Southwestern College, and only has six more classes until school is out in three weeks.
He says thieves stole his backpack out of his car while it was parked at 10th and Palm in Imperial Beach.
“Oh I’m kicking myself in the butt pretty hard," Cotter said. “I thought ‘Ok, time to do homework. Where’s my backpack?’ and then I started freaking out.”
It had a laptop and tablet inside, along with thousands of dollars' worth of software, class projects, presentations, and memories.
“My essay was in there, that’s due tomorrow," Cotter said. "I have other homework, my math book got taken.
All my notebooks, like every single thing, my whole life was inside of my backpack.”
With just three weeks of school left, he's hoping for a miracle.
"I just keep praying, I keep having faith, and I think God's going to bring my backpack back to me," Cotter said.