

EXCLUSIVE: Rapper's son laid out by stun gun

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Cell phone video shows Lincoln High sophomore Jesse Duncan down on the ground at school with a stun gun line in his back, hands shaking.

“He told me he couldn’t even move for a while it felt so bad,” his father, Brandon Duncan, told 10News in an exclusive interview. “It was pandemonium for a while."

In the end, a campus police officer had a head injury and a handful of students were taken to the hospital after an officer pepper sprayed them.

“I think it has everything to do with me and nothing to do with my kids,” Duncan said, adding that his son is a 3.0 student with no criminal record who wants to study criminal justice.

Brandon Duncan‘s name may sound familiar. He is the San Diego rapper known as Tiny Doo. Duncan, who has no criminal record, made headlines after he was jailed on a gang conspiracy charge over his rap lyrics. A judge tossed the case out.

“I think that, you know, they are starting to target my children right now,” he said.

Police are investigating how the brawl started.

Duncan said it was horseplay.

“Kids were slap-boxing, they were horsing around, but this officer decided to take it upon himself to make it a bigger deal than what it really was,” he said. “[Jesse] held the police officer’s arms down to his side because he thought the police officer kept reaching for his gun. My child felt like he was fittin’ to be killed, so he put his hands up in the air and told the police officer 'hey, I’m done, I submit. I don’t want any problems, I’m done' and the police officer still shot,” Duncan said.

Jesse Duncan was arrested for felony assault on a police officer. 10News reached out to a police spokesman by email Friday night for a response to the allegations, but we did not hear back in time for the broadcast.

Students at Lincoln High plan to wear green Monday to show support for Jesse Duncan.