

Chihuahua mauled to death in Ocean Beach

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SAN DIEGO -- Baby the Chihuahua was like a child to Jimmy and April Davis of Ocean Beach.
“She’s our kid,” April Davis said.
“She was just adorable. She smiled,” Jimmy Davis added.
She never barked.
“Even people that don’t like little dogs liked her,” Jimmy said.
At about 9:30 p.m. Thursday, April was walking Max, a black dog, and carrying Baby.
“I had Max double looped, and then I had Baby, and I dropped her off right there so she could go pottie,” April said pointing down to the grass.
They were on the grass at the entrance to Ocean Beach’s Dog Beach. A woman with two big dogs was about 50-feet away, she said
“One was off the leash and one was on the leash,” April said.
The brindle pit bull was off-leash and ran over, April Davis said.
“And the lady says, ‘is that a cat or is that a dog?’ And I said, ‘that’s my dog.’ And she said, ‘my dog doesn’t like little dogs,’ and she had that one on her leash.”
April went to pick baby up.
“And she let her dog go off the leash and both of them went after her, over to the gate, and I had to go after them,” April said.
“I think it’s a mastiff mix and the other one is a pit bull brindle. And one of them is named Lucy,” Jimmy said.
“She just said, ‘Oh, they are having fun they’re playing,’” April said.
“And my dog was just ripped open,” April said through tears.
Jimmy ran over to help.
The woman grabbed her dogs and ran off screaming and cursing, he said.
“Why are you threatening us, why are you lashing out against my wife when she’s upset because your dog just tore our dog apart?” Jimmy asked.
Baby suffered broken bones, a bite through her lung and other internal injuries. She had to be euthanized.
“It was devastating, and it’s probably going to affect me for the rest of my life,” Jimmy said.
Animal Services Director Dan DeSousa said an investigator will be working on Baby’s case to try and find the large dogs and their owner.