

SDG&E rewarding customers who conserve energy as part of Reduce Your Use program


SAN DIEGO (CNS) - San Diego Gas & Electric executives plan to activate an incentive program Thursday for customers to reduce power consumption amid Southern California's continuing heat wave.

In the Reduce Your Use Rewards program, enrolled customers are asked to cut back on energy between 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Doing so will make them eligible to earn a bill credit of 75 cents per kilowatt hour saved, or $1.25 credit per kilowatt hour saved with enabling technology, like a smart thermostat.

SDG&E officials say they have secured sufficient electricity and don't anticipate any problem meeting demand. However, that could change should anything unexpected or out of the utility's control occur.

Customers can reduce power consumption by using fans or ceiling fans instead of running air conditioning systems, or by setting the AC at 78 degrees, running the AC in the morning to pre-cool a residence, closing drapes and blinds, running major appliances and pool pumps outside of peak-usage hours, and either unplugging televisions, cable boxes and gaming devices or hooking them up to a smart power strip.

Information about the rewards program, including signing up, is at