

San Diego students team with police to launch new PSA on school safety


SAN DIEGO (KGTV) - San Diego Unified School District students are teaming up with police to launch a new public service announcement on school safety.

The "If You See Something, Say Something" video campaign is a partnership between a group of students from San Diego High and Point Loma High and San Diego police and Crime Stoppers, with the goal being to encourage students to report suspicious activity they might see on or around their campus.

The campaign, produced by the students, was created in direct response to school shootings in Parkland, Florida, and Santa Fe, Texas.

SD Unified Police Chief Mike Marquez said, "Given the recent school shootings, both in Florida and Texas, we want to remind students and our community that their voice matters. We want to provide ways to report crime, in person or anonymously. Providing support for our school communities and creating safe learning environments is our top priority as a school police department. We are proud to partner with our students on this campaign and know this will add another layer of safety and security to our campuses."

Two PSAs will begin airing on Cox Communications throughout San Diego County starting Monday. The PSAs will be in English and Spanish.