

DC Daily: Trump administration puts end to DACA program

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What's happening in the political world:

Trump administration eliminates DACA program
-- The Trump administration has put an end to the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, but offered a six-month delay to give Congress time to come up with a fix.

In a Tuesday morning announcement, Attorney General Jeff Sessions said the DACA program was being "rescinded" and told reporters, "We cannot admit everyone who would like to come here ... all cannot be accepted."

While Sessions said ending DACA "does not mean they're bad people, or that our nation disrespects or demeans them in any way," he added, "The nation must set and enforce a limit on how many immigrants we admit each year."

Following the announcement, former President Barack Obama took to Facebook to offer his comments on the decision.

DACA prevents deportation for 800,000 young people brought to the U.S. as children, who have no criminal record, and have been here for at least 10 years.

The administration's decision will likely place more pressure on Congress as it heads back to work following its summer recess. A tweet by the president early Tuesday morning seemingly put DACA into congressional leaders' hands.

In addition to DACA, Congress will have to raise the debt ceiling, ensure government funding beyond the end of the month, renew key federal programs and come up with an aid package to deal with the devastation of Hurricane Harvey.

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Trump says U.S. will sell weapons to Japan, South Korea
-- As tensions with North Korea continue to mount, President Trump said he is allowing Japan and South Korea to purchase military weapons from the U.S.

In a Tuesday morning tweet, Trump said:

The move comes North Korean officials confirmed a nuclear test Sunday, calling it a "perfect success."

Putin: Trump "not my bride, and I'm not his groom"
-- Russian President Vladimir Putin answered some questions about President Trump at a news conference in China Tuesday, with one response raising a few eyebrows.

Putin said he did not wish to comment on U.S. politics when asked about the American president's future.

However, he said Trump is "not my bride, and I'm not his groom," in response to a question about his relationship with Trump and some of the recent decisions he has made.

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CNN contributed to this report