

DC Daily: Trump says birthright citizenship 'unfair to our citizens,' promises to stop caravan

DC Daily: Trump says birthright citizenship 'unfair to our citizens,' promises to stop caravan
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Here's what's making headlines in the political world on Wednesday, October 31, 2018:

Trump complains birthright citizenship “unfair to our citizens”
-- President Trump continued his pursuit to put a stop to birthright citizenship in the U.S., claiming the U.S. Supreme Court will ultimately decide the issue.

The president tweeted Wednesday: “So-called Birthright Citizenship, which costs our Country billions of dollars and is very unfair to our citizens, will be ended one way or the other. It is not covered by the 14th Amendment because of the words 'subject to the jurisdiction thereof.' Many legal scholars agree Harry Reid was right in 1993, before he and the Democrats went insane and started with the Open Borders (which brings massive Crime) 'stuff.' Don’t forget the nasty term Anchor Babies. I will keep our Country safe. This case will be settled by the United States Supreme Court!”

In recent days, Trump has said he would like to end the right to citizenship for children of non-U.S. citizens and undocumented immigrants who are born in the United States.

In an interview with Axios for an upcoming HBO series, Trump said, "We're the only country in the world where a person comes in, has a baby and the baby is essentially a citizen of the United States for 85 years with all of those benefits. It's ridiculous and it has to end.”

President promises to stop migrant caravan
-- As a caravan consisting of thousands of Central American migrants heads to the U.S.-Mexico border, President Trump criticized Mexico for not doing enough to stop it.

Trump tweeted: “The Caravans are made up of some very tough fighters and people. Fought back hard and viciously against Mexico at Northern Border before breaking through. Mexican soldiers hurt, were unable, or unwilling to stop Caravan. Should stop them before they reach our Border, but won’t!”

The president then reinforced his decision to send military troops to the U.S. southwest border, tweeting: “Our military is being mobilized at the Southern Border. Many more troops coming. We will NOT let these Caravans, which are also made up of some very bad thugs and gang members, into the U.S. Our Border is sacred, must come in legally. TURN AROUND!”

Federal officials announced earlier this week that thousands of troops would be deployed to different locations at the southwest border ahead of the caravan’s anticipated arrival.

Kanye West says he is distancing himself from politics
-- Just weeks after visiting the White House, Kanye West appears to be a little tired of politics.

The rapper and designer on Tuesday said on Twitter that he plans on "distancing" himself from politics, alleging he's being "used to spread messages I don't believe in."

"I am distancing myself from politics and completely focusing on being creative!!!" he wrote.

This week, West became associated with a campaign led by conservative activist Candace Owens that encourages black voters to leave the Democratic Party.

While Owens clarified West's role in designing the logo for her campaign -- she said on Twitter that West merely made an introduction -- West was seemingly unnerved by the attention.

West wrote that he "never wanted any association" with the campaign and has "nothing to do with it."

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CNN contributed to this report