

OB couple warns of Great Dane attacking dogs

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A couple is warning others to be on the lookout after their dog was attacked at Ocean Beach Dog Beach over the weekend.

Lucy the Boxer has had a rough month.

"Her brother passed away a month or so ago, so we wanted to get her out," her owner Kyle Whissel said.

Kyle and his wife Brittany took her to Dog Beach Sunday.

What started as a relaxing day turned into a $600 emergency visit to a veterinarian.

"We were just walking around with her, she was playing with other dogs," Kyle said.

Everything was fine, until a black and grey Great Dane attacked Lucy.

"Jumped right on her back, latched its teeth right into the back of her neck," Kyle said.

They wrestled Lucy away, while the owners of the Great Dane did nothing.

“They just kind of sat and watched us. And watching a pregnant woman and a guy try and get this huge dog off of our dog, you know, you think somebody would step in to help a little bit,” Brittany said. She is 35 weeks pregnant.

Lucy was so scared, they had to chase her nearly two miles before they finally caught her. By that time, they say the owners of the black and grey Great Dane had taken off with their two other Great Danes.

“I think this one was a younger one," Brittany said. "It wasn’t fully-grown, you could tell, but it was still massive and had, you know, at least three times the size on [Lucy]. She didn’t stand a chance. And it got her on her back and she couldn’t do anything.”

Kyle posted Lucy's injuries on Facebook to warn others, but soon learned she wasn't the only one.

"As soon as I saw the teeth marks I was like 'Wow, they're still letting this dog off the leash," Javier Rubio said.

He says the same Great Dane attacked his dog Frida at Dog Beach a few months ago.

"Pretty much clamped down on her like that and just picked her up off the ground," he said.

At least one other person claimed the same Great Dane attacked another dog back in February.

They are all mad it keeps happening, and worried about the next attack.

"The owners of these Great Danes are kind of proof that some people just are completely irresponsible and they don't care," Kyle said.

The Whissels filed a report with Animal Control. They hope the owners will step up and help with their vet bills;  they believe it's possible Lucy also tore her ACL but won't know until the swelling goes down.