SAN DIEGO -- There is new information now emerging from the winner of a closely contested race that was just called 24 hours ago.
Kristin Gaspar will unseat Dave Roberts on the county board of supervisors.
Now she has plans to improve the lives of all San Diegans.
Gaspar describes the last few weeks as an emotional roller coaster.
”Clinging on to that 5 o’clock hour when new results would be posted - it seems like the longest, shortest period since Election Day,” she said.
Her bid to unseat County Supervisor Dave Roberts initially appeared to fail.
Roberts led by 3 percent election night. But that lead crumbled as provisional and absentee ballots came in.
Gaspar took an insurmountable lead, becoming the first to unseat an incumbent on the board in more than three decades.
Roberts - whose term included a $310,000 county payment to settle abuse of power allegations - called Gaspar Monday to concede.
”I was very nervous when I picked up the phone and the individual on the other line said it was Dave Roberts and he started out by congratulating me, as I would be the next supervisor for the third district,” Gaspar said.
And now, the real work starts - Gaspar will be representing a district that stretches inland from parts of coastal north county.
Gaspar wants to reduce homelessness, boost mental health services, find more transportation solutions, and make housing more affordable - the county median sale price now $507,000, a roughly 10-year high.
”Every development project is being fought fiercely, things are ending up on the ballot, which is the worst case scenario in my view,” Gaspar said.
Gaspar says she instead wants to do a better job of engaging developers and residents at a project's early stages.
And in doing so, she says she'll bring new energy and a fresh approach to the board.
Gaspar says her first order of business is to hire a chief of staff.
Her term on the Encinitas city council ends in two weeks. She'll be sworn onto the board Jan. 2.