

Mexico allows girl with disease to use CBD oil

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The families of two little girls in Mexico have won a battle to treat their daughters' terminal illnesses with cannabis oil.  

This sets a huge precedent and people in San Diego are watching this closely.

The family of 2 year old Sadie Higuera of Ramona knows the pain the families of 11 year old Alina and 8 year old Grace are going through. Their daughter Sadie was born with a rare degenerative disease and suffered from as many as 300 seizures a day. 

“She went on every kind of seizure medication you can think of. Five different ones. Very strong doses. There were times when they couldn't stop the seizures, where they gave her medication and too much of it. And she had to be resuscitated,” said Sadie’s father Brian Higuera.

At least eight times, doctors told the family Sadie wasn't going to make it. Desperate, Sadie's family treated her with medical cannabis including RSHO made by local company, Medical Marijuana, Inc.

“I was just sitting there watching and I was like I can't believe it's working this quick. My wife came home. She just walked up and started crying. And said I got my baby back,” said Higuera. 

Cannabis based products like RSHO are illegal in Mexico. But, in a groundbreaking decision, the government granted permission to the family of 11 year old Alina. A judge granted Grace permission last year. Both have grabbed their country's attention.

This month, Mexico kicked off five debates to be held throughout the country to discuss decriminalizing marijuana. Supporters say it would strip drug cartels of a major source of revenue and reduce violence.

Medical Marijuana, Inc. even made a special formula of cannabis oil for Alina that they’re confident will pass Mexico's standards. The company is now awaiting approval. 

"This truly is like the Berlin Wall coming down as far as the opportunity for free trade and for people to take advantage of the health and wellness benefits of some of our products,” said CEO Stuart Titus.   

The Higuera family says this will help countless children in Mexico. They've seen what it's done for Sadie.  

“She's our little fighter. She's not going nowhere today. We'll take tomorrow when it comes,” said Higuera.

Sadie's father says she now goes for days without seizures. If she does have them, they last for seconds, not minutes.