SAN DIEGO (KGTV) - A local woman says she's been harassed ever since her photo was posted on a nude military Facebook page.
When it was still up and running the "Marines United" page had more than 30,000 followers. Victims say intimate and sexually explicit photos were posted of them without their consent.
Marisa Woytek and Erika Butner are just two of those victims.
"What they do is they'll take a picture and say smash or pass," said Butner. "So 'Would you have sex with this woman or not?' and then everybody leaves their comments."
The page was taken down but the damage has been done.
"In a way it kinda hurts, you know?" said Butner. "You're supposed to trust these people and you're with these people every day and now these people are sexualizing you and objectifying you and its pretty sick."
Woytek is an active-duty marine stationed at Camp Pendleton. She says her new reality of harassment is something she faces every day.
"It's definitely scary," said Woyek. "And as someone that has spoken out and that has received backlash on social media I can understand."
Woytek and Butner's high-profile attorney, Gloria Allred says the misconduct presents a threat to national security since victims are not at risk of blackmail.
Butner says the rape culture of the military is part of the problem.
"We were taught once we get to boot camp, we get three stereotypes to choose from. You're a b****, you're a whore or you're a lesbian," said Butner.
The victims now forced to defend their reputations are helping other women along the way.
"There's a handful of women who have reached out to me, whether it's personally or through social media that have told me their stories in regards to how they're too terrified to come forward," said Woytek.
They're now calling for more strict regulations from congress to prevent this from happening again.
Watch the press conference from 10News' Facebook Live here: