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President visits San Diego: Biden speaks at Rep. Mike Levin rally in Oceanside

Joe Biden
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President Biden speaks at MiraCosta College in Oceanside

OCEANSIDE, Calif. (CNS) — President Joe Biden joined Rep. Mike Levin at a get-out-the-vote event at MiraCosta College in Oceanside Thursday.

Campus Police had the parking lot next to the gym at Mira Costa College secured off, as crews unload equipment needed for Biden’s visit.

Biden arrived at Marine Corps Air Station Miramar late Thursday afternoon aboard Air Force One where he was welcomed by Gov. Gavin Newsom.

ABC 10News caught up with MiraCosta College students who say it’s exciting to know the President is visiting their school.

“I'm excited to see the President communicating with College kids making an effort to become visible," said Kenneth Pilto.

Other students are hoping the President addresses issues that are important to them during his visit.

“To me what matters is homelessness. There are so many issues behind that. I know so many families that have financial issues," said Joab Herrera.

Student Rhyen Carlisle says, “I want to hear about stuff that applies to me like college students and stuff. I did hear about the student debt relief, but having more stuff that applies to my own life would help a lot.”

The event at Mira Costa college is expected to begin at 6:30pm.

Mira Costa College officials sent a statement to ABC 10News saying in part:

A political campaign processed a civic use permit for this event. And civic center permits are available for community use when it doesn’t conflict with district programs and operations.” They add ,”MiraCosta College does not endorse any candidate or political party.

Biden will also speak at an unspecified event on Friday.

Levin, D-San Juan Capistrano, is facing former San Juan Capistrano Mayor Brian Maryott in Tuesday's election in a bid for a third term representing the 49th Congressional District which straddles North San Diego and South Orange counties.

Levin defeated Maryott, 53.1%-46.9%, in 2020.

Levin has attacked Maryott as a MAGA Republican with reactionary views on abortion. Maryott has said Levin and his party continue to spend taxpayer money without thinking of the fiscal consequences.

The race has been deemed a toss-up by the political news website, Politico.

"Republicans gladly welcome Joe Biden to San Diego for his campaign stop with Mike Levin, which will be a boon for the GOP and remind voters to choose Brian Maryott on November 8th," Hallie Balch, the Republican National Committee's California and Nevada director of communications, told City News Service.

"The Biden-Levin agenda has been a complete failure for California families and Biden's visit with Levin keeps the record of failure fresh in Californians' minds."

Levin leads Maryott 49% to 43%, with 8% undecided, according to a poll conducted by SurveyUSA for The San Diego Union-Tribune and ABC 10 News and released Tuesday.

There were 725 residents of the district interviewed for the survey. The results have a margin of error, also referred to as a credibility interval, of 5 percentage points. Levin's lead in the poll is within that interval.

Thursday, California Republican Party Chairwoman Jessica Millan Patterson issued the following statement on President Biden’s visit:

In a last-ditch effort to save his job, Rep. Mike Levin has bizarrely summoned an unpopular president whose radically regressive agenda has delivered sky-high inflation, record-high gas prices, and an ever-increasing cost of living to residents of the 49th District. Shame on Mike Levin, who votes in lockstep with the failed Biden agenda 100 percent of the time. Brian Maryott has found momentum and is resonating with voters because he is offering solutions to the issues Californians are facing.