

Lemon Grove bans alcohol, marijuana at city parks


LEMON GROVE (CNS) - Alcohol and marijuana are about to be prohibited at Lemon Grove's eight city parks beginning in July, according to city officials.

The city council voted unanimously in May to make parks off-limits to the use of marijuana in any form and to all alcohol. While California's new law under Prop. 64 makes recreational marijuana use legal for adults over 21, it is not legal to do so in public places.

"This will help us revitalize our parks and make them more family- friendly and more desirable to all of our residents and visitors," Mayor Pro Tem Jennifer Mendoza said. "If you see something of concern happening in our parks, be sure to call 911 or report the activity to a park ranger or sheriff's deputy."

The city held a "take back the parks" event at Lemon Grove Park on Friday to remind residents of the new laws and kick off the summer of outdoor concerts and movies.

"Banning marijuana and alcohol in our parks is smart," said Nardin Georgeos of the East County Youth Coalition. "The new law will allow my friends and me to be physically active and have fun in our parks."

Seniors who go on walks in the parks as part of the Lemon Grove HEAL (Healthy Eating, Active Living) Zone praised the new law.

"We had seen enough," HEAL Zone-Lemon Grove Program Manager Anita Lopez said. "This new law will make our parks cleaner, safer and more enjoyable as we go on our weekly walks to promote a healthier lifestyle."

Lemon Grove will kick off the annual Summer Concert Series June 29 and Movies in the Park will begin July 14.