

Hannah Anderson blasts credibility of Lifetime movie

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Hannah Anderson, the teen who was allegedly kidnapped by family friend James DiMaggio in 2013 after he murdered her mother and brother, is blasting the new made for television Lifetime movie about the tragedy, calling it a “lie of a movie.”

"Kidnapped: The Hannah Anderson Story", will premiere Saturday at 8 p.m. It covers questions surrounding the relationship between a then 16-year-old Anderson and 40-year-old DiMaggio.

Anderson said DiMaggio kidnapped her from her East County home on Aug. 4, 2013, bludgeoned her mom, 8 year old brother Ethan and the family dog, and then set their house on fire. DiMaggio then took Anderson to the Idaho mountains where the FBI and US Marshals tracked them. On Aug. 10, 2013, DiMaggio was shot and killed by FBI agents.  

However, many, including DiMaggio's sister Lora, were skeptical about that version of events. Some believe Hannah may have played a bigger role. Something the movie also delves into.  

Anderson posted the following on Instagram Tuesday: “I never have (sic) them any form of permission to make this movie or even information to put in this movie. Even the preview alone has false facts and untrue events.”

Anderson goes on to ask friends and “even people who support me not to watch this lie of a movie.”
“When the time comes I will tell my story, but again if anyone is gonna tell my story it should be me.”

Hannah is played by actress Jessica Amlee. DiMaggio is being played by Scott Patterson.


"Even the preview alone has false facts and untrue events,” Hannah Anderson wrote on Instagram.

Posted by 10News – ABC San Diego KGTV on Thursday, May 21, 2015