A heartwarming reunion after a good Samaritan saved a family's two young daughters during the West Fire.
He started as a stranger but quickly became one family's hero. "The timing was perfect and there was a lot of fate involved," said Dennis Murphy.
Six days ago, flames were heading right toward Ally Emig's home. She had two kids, two dogs, and two horses that she couldn't get into a trailer.
Luckily, Dennis Murphy jumped in to help. "I told her, 'Well leave the truck, I'll take your truck and get the kids up to Albertsons and just wait for you there,'" said Murphy.
Emig handed her two girls off to a complete stranger who may have saved their lives.
"You gotta be careful when horse lovers are with horses that are in danger," said Murphy. "Sometimes they just wait too long to do things."
Ally posted a photo on Facebook to thank Dennis for his bravery online. On Thursday, her husband got to thank him in person.
"If this would have been a year earlier we would have lost everything," said Nick Giles. "Everything worked out everything just kind of fell in place, perfect timing I guess."
While Dennis is humble, the family he saved will forever be thankful.
"I think 99 percent of the people here in Alpine would have helped her," said Murphy. "Life's pretty short. You better look out for your friends and family and help out other people."