Since the debut of the Christmas laser light display - different problems have popped up. From theft of the lighting devices, to even warnings from the Federal Aviation Administration.
The FAA warns some holiday laser lights may be distracting to pilots in planes flying overhead, putting planes and passengers at risk.
But, according to a local company, not all holiday laser light displays can distract or injure pilots. San Marcos based company BlissLights says, the problems arise when you buy products from overseas...that aren't always verified.
“We started in san Diego. We’ve been here for seven years," said Kevin Russeth, sales and marketing manager for BlissLights. "We are pioneers in the industry and all good things get knocked off. That’s what’s happened here."
Russeth said BlissLights created the original design for the popular holiday laser lights.
“A lot of those new lasers coming from overseas have not had to go through the scrutiny we’ve had to,” Russeth said.
“Lasers are graded, and a lot of the new lasers coming from overseas are not looked at closely,” Russeth said.
Regardless of where the lasers come from, the FAA wans that if you use laser lights you should never point them at the sky; make sure all the lights are hitting your home.