

Deepak Chopra explains recent study that may revolutionize medicine

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10News anchor Kimberly Hunt spoke to world-renowned pioneer of integrative medicine Deepak Chopra about a study conducted at the Chopra Center for Wellbeing in Carlsbad.

The study results show the effect of meditation on personal wellbeing, and it also finds that meditation actually causes changes at the deepest level in our genes.

The study involved scientists from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, the University of California, San Francisco, and Harvard Medical School.

Potentially, the most fruitful discovery in medical science over the past two decades has been occurring at the genetic level.

We can affect gene expression, i.e. the activity of the genes. DNA turns out to be responsive to a person's lifestyle. By eating organic plant based foods, controlling stress, sleeping sounding, exercising, socializing, and feeling peace and joy you can affect your gene expressions which prolong life and vitality.