SAN DIEGO, Calif. (KGTV) - Friday afternoon, Southern California was treated to an air show from the Air Force Thunderbirds.
The jets have been flying around the country in major cities with paths that highlight hospitals as a "thank you" to healthcare workers.
Friday, the route started at noon in Chula Vista then moved north into Orange County and Los Angeles, flying over about 15 San Diego hospitals on the way.
“It’s hard to express how much the gratitude people show to us means to us because it really is what lifts us up and keeps us going,” said Sharp employee Colleen Murphy.
While the moments when the jets were overhead may have been brief, the impact will be longer felt.
“The excitement part of it was maybe 12 seconds and I will probably be talking about this for the next week. So it’s literally insane how such a small gesture can make such a huge impact,” said Edel Vargas, the lead clinical nurse in the cardiac cath lab at Sharp Chula Vista. “I feel reinvigorated to go out there and do good work, I feel I will be able to spread more positivity as I interact with the people that probably need it more than we do to be honest,” he went on to say.