

City of San Diego may pay entire cost to fix sidewalks


SAN DIEGO (KGTV) - The City of San Diego may start spending more money to fix crumbling sidewalks that line some neighborhoods.

Currently, the city and the adjacent homeowners split the cost of fixing the sidewalks, which is allowed by state law. But fewer than 20 residents took the city up on the offer last year, leaving much of the old infrastructure in place.

Meanwhile, the city paid a nearly $5 million settlement to Clifford Brown, who was severely injured in 2014 when biking over a damaged sidewalk in Del Cerro. That's why Councilman David Alvarez is proposing the city drop the cost-split program and just fix the old, dangerous sidewalks within 90 days of reporting.

It would go beyond the temporary patchwork the city currently does to fix immediate problems.
North Park resident David Anderson called the sidewalks in his neighborhood an embarrassment.
"Not only does the cement crack downwards in soke places, it's bubbled up, so you have to worry about stumbling all the time," he said.
The city's Rules Committee will take up Alvarez's proposal on Wednesday. It could then move onto the City Council for full approval.

San Diego spends about $300,000 a year on its 50-50 cost split program.