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Celebrating Community: 2020 marks 100th anniversary of women's right to vote

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SAN DIEGO, CA (KGTV) — It was a struggle that paved the way for American women today, giving those forced to be silent, a voice: the right to vote.

"It took 72 years from 1848 until 1920 to get the 19th Amendment added to our constitution," said Anne Hoiberg, Board President of the Women's Museum of California.

She refuses to forget what it took to get here and the women who fought not only for the right to vote, but for equality.

"Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony they were really the team," she said while pointing to photos that line an exhibit inside of the museum at Liberty Station. "Carrie Chapman Catt started the League of Women Voters."

"We have to credit Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott two Quakers, two abolitionist, who were determined that women needed to have the right to vote, but they also needed other rights," said Hoiberg. "They needed the right to divorce, to go to college, to become professionals like a doctor or a lawyer."

Because of those women and many more, the protests, marches, arrests and tireless work, women here in San Diego heading to the polls know their votes count. Their opinions matter. Their voices are heard.

"That means a lot to me," said voter Linda Garcia. "It's terrible that it took so long to even happen."

"We have rights and we should take advantage of those rights," said Diana Romero, another women who always votes. "Hopefully a lot of women do take advantage of those rights and vote."

As we celebrate the centennial of suffrage this year, "The Power of the Ballot Box" exhibitwill remain on display through the month of march at the museum in Liberty Station.

Hoiberg said the goal is to make sure everyone, especially the younger generations, know how far we have come and that so much is possible, even when the fight isn't over.

"Little girls need to see that women can achieve anything," she said. "It is important for all of us to just remember those courageous women, and many, many men who really fought hard so women can get the right to vote."