

Cancer patients receive free medical marijuana from San Diego company


SAN DIEGO (KGTV) - A San Diego company is offering free medical marijuana for cancer patients in California.

The company, Jetty Extracts, serves about 400 cancer patients through its program called the “Shelter Project.”

Every month, the patients receive medical marijuana extracts that are often used to combat the side effects of chemotherapy.

One of the patients is Michael Roney who lives in Hemet with his wife. He heard about the program after his wife was diagnosed with cancer for the third time.

She signed up, but six months later they were hit with a major setback. This time, Michael was the one receiving the diagnosis.

“I got a double shot,” he said, after learning he had both leukemia and lymphoma.

He was prescribed opiates to manage the pain and says at one point he was receiving 180 Vicodin pills per month.

After enrolling in the Shelter Project and using medical marijuana, he said he has reduced his opiate usage to about one pill every two weeks.

“I really feel I am here because of them,” he said of the company.

Jetty Extracts founder, Matt Lee, says the company began as a way for him to support his surfing hobby. The company was named after the jetty that creates the break at Ocean Beach.

For information on how to sign up, visit the Shelter Project website.