

New Year's resolutions: How to make them stick

SAN DIEGO -- The new year is just around the corner and that means lots of folks will be thinking about New Year's resolutions.
The majority of people ditch their resolution within a week, so we talked to a life coach, Lisa Sawicki, about how to make yours stick.
She told us that first you have to remember that you are your own coach, and you need to hold yourself accountable for what you want to focus on each day. Her tips:
  • Prioritize what areas you want to change, but don't pick more than two or three.
  • Commit to making little changes over time.
  • Reward yourself as you go along. Don't hold out until you meet your big goal.
"You have to make sure you make your resolutions in little bite-size pieces that are doable," Sawicki said. "If you're good with your resolution three days out of the week, good for you! Three days a week of doing something positive is better than not doing it at all."