

National Pool Opening Day signals summertime swimming


(KGTV) - In San Diego, it always seems like swimming pool season, but on April 28, pool owners across the nation will officially remove their pool covers for National Pool Opening Day.

According to, National Pool Opening Day is celebrated on the last Saturday in April every year. The special day is a time for pool owners to make the necessary preparations for the upcoming summer.

The day was placed on the National Day Calendar in 2016 after it was submitted for consideration by Arizona-based Leslie’s Swimming Pool Supplies.

On this day, owners do things such as clean their pools, test the water quality and make sure they have the right equipment and accessories to help maintain pool perfection through the summer months.

Click here for a checklist of things to look out for as you prepare your swimming pool.

Additionally, numerous swimming pool retailers across the country offer National Pool Opening Day deals for owners.